Colleg Union

Welcome to the kokkacal wafy college union page , where our college union plays a vital role in furnishing students skill and activities.

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Welcome to the kokkacal wafy college union page , where our college union plays a vital role in furnishing students skill and activities.


Abdul Hakeem Faizy Adriserri (CIC Coordinator)
Fathima Tasneem Wafiyya (Wafiyya Coordinator)
Sumayya Wafiya (Wafiyya Coordinator)
Shaharban Wafiyya (Wafiyya Coordinator)

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Abdul Hakeem Faizy Adriserri (CIC Coordinator)
Fathima Tasneem Wafiyya (Wafiyya Coordinator)
Sumayya Wafiya (Wafiyya Coordinator)
Shaharban Wafiyya (Wafiyya Coordinator)

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  • Women's religious classes.

  • A practical class on Islamic aspects of bathing and “Wudu” titled “Thanbeeh”

  • State level essay writing competition titled “Akakkampukal Thedi”

  • CANOE '18, a video making contest
  • Documentary-making competition on the topic “Independent India is to decline”

  • Welfare activities

  • One-day camp titled “Al Wafa” held in three different zones

  • “Festoon of Teens 2K19”, a one-day camp for teenage girls in association with Wafiyya Alumni Association.

  • Wafiyya Fest

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